Research Paper

How to Start a Research Paper? 10 Simple & Easy Steps

A Research paper has become an important part of the academic literature. Access to open journals is also an increasing trend. Almost everyone can now publish research online. The purpose of a research paper is to present your work. It includes the method used by a researcher and the positive, or negative outcomes. The research can be conducted in any kind of setting. There are different types of researches. These include survey-based, clinical, psychological, or statistical model research. Almost every professional field has a margin for research. It is the document of the work done.

It is an official and authentic write-up by the researcher. It is also the reflection of a researcher’s work in one place. The pile-up of information and diverse data makes it difficult to write. Most of us have a random idea of what is within a research article. But if we start writing one, we often find ourselves in a hurry. It becomes difficult to incorporate large volumes of data into small numbers. There are some ideas to follow while writing a research paper. The researchers can use these easy steps to store their information.

It will also help them display their information in the best way. Sometimes a researcher is good at the research work. He may have ensured distinguished research to show off to the world. But he finds it difficult to put into words. That’s where this article can help him. Almost every scholar and researcher has to write a research article once. If you have performed your research and want to convert it into a research paper, this article can help you. Here are the simple, and easy steps that will help you to write up.

Starting a Research Paper:

The Research Title Must Be Comprehensive:

The research title highlights the work being done. It contains the indicators and key terms of the research. The title describes the problem that the researcher identified. The identification of the problem is followed by an action. What did researchers do to address the issue? The title ends with the outcome’s hint. What did the researcher find out at the end? Sometimes the researcher can use the type of research in the title as well. For example, a cross-sectional study. A retrospective study, or Systemic analysis. The researcher must address the cause and solution within the title to make it catchy.

The reader will first see the title to go into the article for further information. If the article’s title is not explicit in the given information. It will face a poor response. The title must include the key terms used within the research. The key terms are also further used in the abstract section. It will help other scholars in finding the relevant information. Get familiar with the topic. Identify the key factors. Draft a layout plan. Clarify what is the problem you’re are addressing.

Background Search:

Recommended by a PhD dissertation writing service, after you have selected the perfect title for the research, identify the key terms. Start searching on the background section. The background section will contain the latest and relevant information on the subject. Try to clear out the concepts used in your research and within the background section. This will make it easy for the scholar to identify the issue. It will also help them understand the need for that study. Most often the background is long and people write irrelevant information in it. They write the ideas and concepts related to the research. It can have the methods used within research as well. The result indicators are also selected. Or anything that you have used as a piece of information.

Research Question And Rationality:

Organise the research procedure and requirements. It will help you analyse what is required. Build a rationale and highlight the research questions. These are the main parts of the research. A scholar or researcher will identify the problem. It will make it easy to understand. The ratio will clear out the need for the study. The indicators and parameters are studied as well. It will also inform about the gaps and limitations left in that study.

Thesis Statement:

Include the thesis statement in ending paragraph of the introduction. It will indicate the need for the study. The thesis statement consists of the introduction, method used, and the results outcomes. It consists of a summary of the research proposed in 2 to 3 lines. It reflects the work that the researcher is going to do. The thesis statement is an important part of any academic writing. It must be a summary of the proposed research. The keywords can be used in the thesis statement as well.

Latest Information:

To make your arguments in your research paper more effective and valid, include the articles from recent years. The background section should contain recent information. The concepts of the research topic must be clear too. The ideas that are being used in the research must be highlighted. The method that is being used for identifying the results must be addressed properly. For example, often different technologies are used. One research statement can have many options of the method. You can address the one that is most suitable. But the addressing of information is important as well. Experts suggest using the articles and researches that were published in the last 5 years.

Comparing The Research Findings:

An effective piece of writing is always compared through similarities and differences. Discuss the findings of your research in the discussion section by comparing them to the other researchers’ work. It will help you in identifying the gaps and limitations. Other scholars and researchers will benefit from it too. It will also support the justification of your research’s purpose. The discussion section must contain original information. Add the comparison by linking all information or data you’ve provided in it.

Search Strategy:

A research paper is written on relevant key terms. Use the key terms to identify similar studies. In the background and discussion section, this strategy is being used. You can use different search engines for this purpose. For example, for a research proposal on the mineral analysis of strawberries, you will search the related terms mineral analysis and strawberry. It will narrow down the search options for you. Use the most recent research information for comparison purposes. You can also use more than one key term.

Language And Grammar:

The use of language is important in every piece of writing. Scholarly writing also has a certain essence. Use the right language. Keep in mind that the grammar should be correct. Every subject has a certain jargon. You should use the researcher’s tone. Most research papers are in English so ensure proper grammar within yours.

Analytical Aspect:

The research paper does not only show, or tell the kind of problem. It contains the researcher’s work as well as the analysis. The researcher should compare the findings of his research. He/she should use the key terms and find the latest researches. This will give a good approach to your research articles. Such an analytical approach is appreciated within the research paper’s categories. The method section contains all the things that a researcher requires. It will give you an idea of the important research procedures.

The researcher must highlight the important methods used for his/her study here. The study can be qualitative, quantitative, or both. Indicate this at start of the method. Because of this, the reader will find it easy to understand. The indicators or parameters used within the research must also be highlighted. Use the correct simulations. The protocols of some experiments must be elaborated too. Use a complete language set for this.

Organisation And Flow:

Organise your data. It should properly summarise the main findings. After writing the other parts, go for the conclusion. Highlight the main findings of the research in this aspect. It will include the indicators, as well as the outcomes of the ones that were studied. Link your findings with the thesis statement. In some cases, you can include recommendations for future studies too.


Writing an academic, or research paper is a difficult task for some. It requires reading a lot of data and information. Some people find it hectic and confusing. They get confused about what to add, and where to write. You can start with outlining of the work. Write down the indicators and ensure that proper research is done. The results you find should be highlighted. Create structure-wise headings for every part of the research. The topic-wise heading structure includes Introduction, Methodology, and Results. It ends with a discussion and the conclusion. After making a plan of the research and collecting the findings, analyse gathered information. Use key terms to identify the right type of information.

Use analytical comparisons within the discussion. Keep a universal format of both spacing, and referencing. While researching the information, write down the relevant ones. Keep a proper reference of the articles used. Justify your readings and analysis both. Use proper grammar and jargons. Highlight Thesis statement in the Introduction section. Give a clear background of concepts used within the research. The title should be clear as well. Use the key terms of your research problem in it. This will make it easy to divide the title into 3 sections. These include Issues, methods, and results of the study. You should also ensure the use of relevant information from latest articles.

By Chris Greenwalty

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