Tech Secrets

Tech Secrets – 6 Things ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Know

The tech secrets are finally out – oh, but ‘they’ don’t want you to know about it.

Well, just in case you are wondering who are ‘they’, then let us make it clear to you. It could be anyone from your workplace’s IT department, multiple search engines like Bing, Google, or even the government officials of your country, etc. There is a high chance that they are already spying on you, without dropping even the slightest hint.

To whet your curiosity, today we will be revealing the top six tech secrets. They can be related to absolutely anything from your Google account’s data to malicious viruses and bugs in your PC, etc. Let’s begin!

1. Your Manager Probably Spies On You

Do you have that random midday thought that your manager is spying on you, while you are chatting with your work friends? It surely gives a mini heart attack every time. Well, we want to tell you that you aren’t alone – we are all in the same boat.

But, what if we tell you that this might actually be ‘true’? According to research, if you work in a medium to large-scale organization, there is a high chance that your managers spy on you through various types of online trackers. For example, there are multiple software systems on the internet such as Barracuda Purewire, or Websense Triton to keep a check on the employees’ overall performance and workflow. Particularly, this software can be used to monitor your frequently-visited sites, chat apps, e-mail activity, etc.

Although most workers do not like to be tracked all the time, still one needs to know that these software systems have more benefits than we probably can imagine. Besides enhancing your overall work performance, this software can also help big-time to prevent malware infestations, and expose any sort of workplace harassment or leakage of confidential organizational data, etc.

2. Your PC Might Be Killing You

Although electronics manufacturers have improved greatly over the years, still we want to tell you that your PC contains tons of harmful chemicals like flame retardants, mercury, and lead that can harm you in several ways. Some of these chemicals are linked to reducing fertility rates and also lowering the overall IQ level in children, which is obviously a big cause of concern.

Not only that, the excessive use of PC harms your eyes as well. That’s the major reason why every other person these days has become a victim of near, or far-sightedness. But, here the real question arises how come none of us knew about it before? Well, the answer is simple – the tech giants don’t want you to focus on the ‘dark’ side of their products. Therefore, they portray all the glam and visually appealing features in their advertisements to the audience.

Just in case, you are looking for ways to reduce the harmful effects of your PC, we have a suggestion for you. Simply invest in laptops and desktops released after 2009, as they have much lesser harmful content like flame retardants of mercury. For example, most of the major manufacturers like Dell, Apple, and HP have successfully quit using BFRs in their products after 2008. Also, most vendors these days have a dedicated environmental section on their official sites – so, you can easily find out what type of material they use in their tech products.

3. Your Location Can Be Tracked Without GPS

We can literally bet that you never leave your house without your handset – isn’t it? Well, what if we tell you that this tiny device in your hand can send your location to ‘anyone’ in your list, without even turning on the GPS.

Sounds surprising, right? No matter wherever you roam, being a part of this technologically advanced era, you need to keep in mind that you can always be tracked through your phone. The legal authorities and multiple high-class IT agencies do not need any sort of GPS chip to locate you.

But, how does that work? Let us explain. There are tons of cell towers in the city that allow your provider to track your location up to a certain distance. So, for example, if you have committed a crime, then the government authorities can always go to your wireless providers to get the exact know-how of your current location.

4. ‘Incognito’ Browsing Is Not Private

Let’s admit it, Incognito browsing is one of the best things on the internet these days. After all, it makes it much easier for us to search for those embarrassing questions, and confidential websites on the go, without leaving footprints for anyone.

Oh, but wait…. Do you really think incognito browsing is private? Or, do you believe that it is just some way to remove your browsing history from the search engine? Well, let’s find out.

According to browsing experts, incognito browsing is all about not keeping a track of your visited sites, and erasing your search history while jumping from one page to another. However, you need to remember that even while using incognito, your IP address is easily visible to third-party apps, law enforcement agencies, and all the legal authorities that have the warrant to monitor you. So, even your incognito browsing can be tracked and seen by other people!

While you cannot expect your partner to know what have you been looking at on your phone all day, you can surely expect the legal authorities to know your feeds well.

5. Hackers Have Enough Time to Knock You Out

Scammers should be Hollywood actors because they have an accurate idea of how to make you fall for their scams and tricks. They are extremely ‘calm’ people that wait patiently to catch their prey. Sounds confusing, right? Well, let us explain.

Most of the tech scams work via phone calls. For example, initially, you get an unknown call or a popup on your phone to call on a number. Eventually, you end up calling the hacker who pretends to be someone who can assist your tech or financial affairs. The worst part here is that they patiently wait until you fall for their scam and become fully convinced that you are talking to a genuine IT professional.

Just in case, you are looking for high-level security for your internet data, then do subscribe to a reliable and secure ISP like CenturyLink internet which provides its users with extremely high-coverage and safe internet connectivity round-the-clock.

6. Your Facebook Account Is Spying On You

Just a reminder – Mark Zuckerberg has a sticker on his laptop camera because he thinks that any tech giant (including his own brand, Facebook) can spy on him. Sounds surprising, right?

Well, we want to tell you that there’s a high chance that Facebook is spying on you – if not through the camera then surely through the information that you have provided them. For example, when you sign up with Facebook, the app requires you to provide tons of personal information like DOB, religion, full name and profile picture, etc.

Although Facebook has strict privacy guidelines, still we would like to tell you that its third-party apps do not have an appropriate privacy policy, which is obviously a bit alarming. For instance, Farmville’s privacy policy literally appears to be written by a six-year-old. They offer very little to almost no security to your Facebook account. So, there’s a high probability that any third-party app (or random users) can access your account data like friends list, profile picture, groups, location, etc.

The Bottom-line

Although the internet is loaded with tons of amazing tech secrets that most of us do not know, in this article we have mentioned our top picks only. Just in case, you wish to know more about the tech world secrets, then don’t forget to reach out to some reliable IT websites on the internet.

But, before you begin your research, just make sure that connect to a fast, and robust internet connection like CenturyLink internet so that you can enjoy smooth browsing. For more information about CenturyLink internet plans, bundles and deals in your region, please reach out to BuyTVInternetPhone.

By Mike

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